Sunday, May 8, 2011

Chivalry.. Something of the 1800's? I think NOT!

When I looked up the word "chivalry"on this is what popped up:


  [shiv-uhl-ree]  Show IP
–noun, plural -ries for 6.
the sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight, includingcourtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms.
the rules and customs of medieval knighthood.
the medieval system or institution of knighthood.

Then I decided to look up the word "chivalry" on a much more liberal site, one of my favorite dictionary sites..  And here's what I found...

10.chivalry31 up79 down

Doing whatever a woman wants and tells you to to try to get laid. Being pussywhipped and being a chick's slave. See "gentleman" and "real man".
John thinks spending lots of money on his girl and doing what she tells him is chivalry. Even though she thinks she's equal she wants none of the responsibilities of being an adult. His balls are in his purse and she doesn't respect him.

Hmmmm Well I don't think either one of these definitions is legit, and now I get why chivalry is said to be"dead".  Clearly we are no longer in the 1800s or whenever it was that the medieval times occurred (and I am probably way off  with the time period.. not a history buff) so we can't relate to that ideal vision of a knight.  And then we have the definition as it relates to today's society which involves being pussywhipped... and why would a man ever want to be called (and I am quoting urban dictionary) "pussywhipped"??

Do men who are actually good guys and chivalrous get made fun of by their friends for being "pussywhipped"? 
 Should women believe urban dictionary's definition that every man that acts chivalrous is trying to f#$% you?

If a man opens the door for a woman should she assume he is being a nice guy, or is she to assume he is trying to get in her pants? Well, I personally believe the former, even though I am sure there are plenty of guys who perform the latter.

Personally, I believe that chivalry is not dead.  And, personally I would never date and/or ever consider dating a man who does not take the time to open the door for me at a restaurant, or open the car door for me (all the time), or push me to the inside of the sidewalk so that I am not walking close to the cars.  Call me spoiled.  Call me cheesy.  But I think its a wonderful thing.  

Why are we, as women, in today's society so shocked when men actually do something nice?  Last week I was at the bar with my girls and this guy was talking to one of my friends.  He introduced himself, shook all of our hands and I thought WOW! what a nice guy!  Something as simple as a handshake made me determine that this random person was nice?  Why?  Because it DOESN'T happen all the time.  Matter of fact.. rarely.  But, the truth is we shouldn't be all that surprised when a guy does something so simple as shake our hand?  We should expect men to be nice and respectful.  Just sayin.

So the moral to my story is if your man/ a man is not chivalrous now chances are he'll never be so ditch the loser and find your "knight in shining armor".  Yup, that is my advice.  And please don't tell me chivalry is dead and that men aren't like that nowadays and that is just how it is. While chivalrous men may be an "endangered species", I can tell you for a fact that they are certainly not extinct.  And, if chivalry is something you value, like me, you should never settle for anything less.

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