Monday, May 2, 2011

the cure for boredom is alcohol?

Recently I have been feeling very bored with everything.  I don't want to do my school work because its boring.  I don't want to go to work because its boring.  I try to sit and watch tv or go on facebook, but how long can you really do that for? I am so anxious because all I want to do is go out and do something.  But, realistically, what is there to do as a college student?  Go to the gym?  Did that already? Eat?  Did that already like 5 times.  So this is why whenever I am bored I resort to drinking.

Yesterday was Sunday.  It was about 4 or 5pm and I realized that I could not sit in my room any longer so I asked my roommate if she wanted to go drink somewhere.  Like really?  Is that necessary?  I drank Thursday, Friday, and Saturday fairly excessively and now I want to drink again.

I feel like this is an issue for me and maybe it is an issue for others as well (I feel like it is kind of a trend in college, but I don't want to generalize.)  Its Monday night now and I was thinking about drinking.. asking my other roommate if she is going out tomorrow.  I am even considering currently cracking open a few beers to help me pass the time.  I am starting to feel like this may be an issue, and I probably would definitely have identified it as an issue sooner if I was not in college.  I have justified my addiction to alcohol with the line "everyone drinks 5 days a week.. its totally normal".  But really?  Is it?

What's the imaginary line that you shouldn't cross?  Is it bad that last Tuesday in the midst of taking an exam I was thinking that I just want to get the f#$% out of here and get to the bar?  Or is this acceptable?      I am honestly curious what other people think because I want to know if its just me.

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