Sunday, May 8, 2011

My life without coffee.

My life without coffee would be a DISASTER.  I thought about giving up coffee for lent, but realized that that would mean 40 days of crazy, psychotic, angry, unproductive, bitchy me which just would not be fun for anyone.  Today I went to the foodstore with only 20 dollars to spend.  I have no food in my house, and my mother gave me $160 on Wednesday so that I could buy food to last me the next 3 weeks at school, but instead of purchasing nutritional food that would last me 3 weeks, my dollar bills found their way to every bar on Main Street and Margheritas pizza.  So, hence I was left with 20 dollars for food :( .  What was on my list?  Oh you know the essentials.  1. Milk 2. Bread 3. Coffee.  4. Pretzels.  And that's about all I could afford considering I can't buy the cheap Acme Brand coffee, but have to buy Java Hazelnut Cream thats like $8 for a tiny package.  But, I rationalize it by saying to myself that without this good coffee I would not do well in school or life.. in fact I would probably have 0 incentive to get out of bed.  Well, that's a bit extreme, but you get the picture.  Or better yet heres a picture..

Me Without Coffee

Now about fifteen minutes later...

It is honestly amazing what one drink can do!  Whenever I am bummed about going to class.. what do I do?  Stop and get a cup of coffee!  Whenever I am in no mood to go to work.. what do I do?  Stop and get a cup of coffee!  Whenever I am stressed, angry, happy, confused, sad, you name it.. coffee is where I turn.

I am not really sure when I started drinking coffee. I think it was during the midst of my adolescence when I just thought it made me look "cooler".  Little did I know I would never be kewl.  Oh yes, first I began with Dunkin Donuts Caramel Lattes which were super delicious because you couldn't even taste the fact the only reason I would drink them would be to get down to all the caramel at the bottom..yum..

Then I was soon able to stomach the idea of drinking regular lattes and even cappucinos.  And, one morning I eventually found myself gulping down a huge mug of good ol fashioned coffee.  And, that was the day my life changed.  And so now its every morning.. 2 cups of coffee. little bit of milk.. then a stop at dunkin donuts or 711 on my way to class or work for a large dose of some more goodness.. then around 3 or 4 my afternoon coffee.. and sometimes during exam weeks I will even have a cup or two at night.  What an addiction!  But, its something I have grown accustomed with and everyone who knows me knows that before you speak to me in the morning you better make sure you get a large cup o joe in me otherwise you may wind up listening to a string of curse words.

So my point.  For me there is nothing better than a good cup of coffee.

And thats the way the cookie crumbles.. and cookies with a side (aka pot) of coffee are delicious.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you're like naked in that picture of you in bed hahaha, guess you figured clothes aren't necessary
