Thursday, April 14, 2011

Please, Just Tell Me I Suck! :)

I am not a big fan of half assing anything.  If I want to do something I am going to do it.  If I want you I am going to get you.  Not in a creepy way as it sounds, just in a proactive way.  (And, that's the way the cookie crumbles.  HA.)  I am a go getter in life and in my relationships and those who know me can certainly attest to that.. in fact, I sometimes go overboard and I'll be the first too admit it.  (You should read my second blog (how to pick up the man of your dreams) to see just what I mean.)

I recently pursued this one guy.  Did he turn me down?  No.  But he was kind of HALF ASSIN' the situation until finally he stopped talking to me.  See below for depiction:

Why can't people be honest if they're not into something?  Why should you men waste your own time trying to figure out how you are going to ditch this CrAzY BiTcH?  Here's a thought:  Just tell us you're NOT interested!  WE DO NOT CARE.  If someone told me they were not interested in me I think I would give him a HUG because quite frankly why should anyone waste their time???

HAHAHA a big bear hug for you... for telling me i suck!! But, seriously I would take that.

I think that everyone should always be honest with their feelings no matter how awkward or uncomfortable it is :)

I have come to observe that many people in college treat meeting and hanging out with members of the opposite sex as a game. Like Yahtzee or Life.. which is my favorite game on earth, except when I land on "yay! babygirl!"... FUCK THAT.

From what I understand if you are interested in someone you are to pretend you are not interested so that they become interested and then maybe if you still pretend you are not interested you can both be interested in each other?  What?  Wait,  I confused myself.

This is just my take on things.. and I could certainly be wrong but this is just what I have observed in the past.

I just think it is funny and that is why I chose to blog about it.  Not to speak for all women but I think women in general would prefer a straight up:

HAHAHAH Yes or No! so that no one wastes their time.... I like the warning sign above.  I feel like its kind of appropriate for me and the way I pursue things.

My point is shit should be simple.  And then you'll be HAPPY :)

Say what you're thinking and you'll be happy with the way the cookie crumbles ...

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